Victim Services

For Family Abuse Support Groups or Sexual Assault Survivors Services

*Women’s Groups and Men’s Groups Meet Separately

If You Prefer to Use Private Email, Use the Form Below. However, if You Need Help Immediately, Call Us at-


You are NOT Alone.

Family Abuse, whether emotional, physical, or sexual, is devastating, humiliating, and often confusing.

Healing the Home understands the conflicting feelings and unique fears that can only stem from the trauma of betrayal in our most sacred spaces. “Home” and “Family” are typically words that people associate with security. It should never be a place that makes us feel afraid. It is not easy to trust anyone, once the people we love hurt us. We know, because we have lived it, ourselves. “Getting out” seems such a simple solution for the people who aren’t living in your home… but it is rarely easy. There are no conditions when asking for help at Healing the Home. There are no mandates for survivors. This is your family and your life. We trust your instincts, and we will move beside you, at your pace.

If you choose to leave, or call law enforcement, we support you. If you choose to stay, we will not turn our backs or judge you- or your partner. Domestic Violence is dangerous. Sexual Assault is insidious. All we ask, is that you reach out when you are ready. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and a hand to hold on to, when and if you need us.

Help on Your Terms.

If You Would Like to Anonymously Inquire About Survivor Services, Please Leave Some Basic Information.

(You do NOT have to include your Real Name.)